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Friday, February 1, 2008

Individual Health Insurance Coverage – Is It Your Only Option?(health insurance coverage)

health insurance coverage

It is no secret that individual health insurance coverage is much more expensive than group health insurance coverage, such as obtaining group health insurance coverage through your employer or through an organization with which you are affiliated. Some people are unemployed, are self-employed, do not work for an employer that offers health benefits, or are otherwise not affiliated with an organization that provides health insurance coverage.

However, it is also no secret that health insurance is important. Aside from the fact that routine check-ups with your doctor can be pricey, what happens if you get really sick, or are involved in some kind of accident that results in serious personal injury? It is easy to save up for a doctor’s appointment you have scheduled yourself, but how are you going to pay for unexpected health emergencies without some kind of health insurance coverage? Your best bet to prevent this kind of financial strain is to look into purchasing individual health insurance coverage.

Finding providers of individual health insurance coverage is the easy part – you can visit any Web site focused on selling all types of health insurance coverage and request a free online individual health insurance quote, and the emails and telephone calls will start pouring in. The hard part is finding one you can afford, one that will accept you, and one that’s actually worth all the money you’ll be paying for it.

Purchasing individual health insurance coverage can be tricky because many insurance companies won’t offer you a policy if you are of a certain age, have certain pre-existing health conditions, or otherwise fail their medical requirements. This is also another reason why individual health insurance coverage can be so expensive – if you negatively fall into any of those categories, you might have to settle for the only policy offer you get – until that happens, keep shopping around for the individual health insurance coverage that you can afford.

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